Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11 2001, So We Remember

The following is a reprint from my blog posted on Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden's site

By Gypsyman27 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 11:00 am EDT
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On September 11, 2001, I was at my son's elementary school in the office, (I taught math and reading as a volunteer) the TV set was on and we watched in horror as the second plane hit the World Trade Center Tower. I had a dim thought that it was only by the grace of God that I was not in that tower, I used to work there on the 86th floor. In the hours and days that followed we all watched as brave police and firefighters tried to locate and rescue any survivors. Some of the rescuers have since passed on themselves from maladies contracted while attempting to help. I'm sure everyone can remember where they were when this terrible tragedy took place. We will not soon forget
The perpertrators of this crime are still free. No one has brought them to justice. Our sitting president was chasing his own political agenda by sending troops to Iraq to die in a (I feel) pointless conflict. We should have been using our resources to capture and punish those responsible for this misdeed. This was a dark moment in our history.
Today let us join Senators Obama and Biden as we remember and honor our dead. Let us remember that they all left families and friends behind. We should, as we go about our business today, take time to say a prayer for our fallen friends. Let us remember in the hope that this must not be allowed to happen again. Thankyou, Senator Obama and Senator Biden for remembering.

1 comment:

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen said...

Hoping I connect with you here Robert. It is me, Kathy Ostman-Magnusen from Ezine Articles blog. You have your message turned off on Twitter. If you turn that back on I can give you my personal email so that we might connect. I am now following you on Twitter so that is a start.
Secondly I am a HUGE Obama fan and blog him constantly, make calls for him, try to do my part. If people actually do vote in McCain=Bush and the soccer mom ... ohh my goodness.. I will have to stop watching politics completely. It will indeed be a bad Disney Movie come true, yet one with dangerous implications.
